Judy Kronenfeld
Jylian Gustlin
Even Song
Outside for hours, stretching
to top the heavenly bamboo,
bending to cut the dry
lavender stalks, then taking
a slow stroll as the afternoon
begins to close: late glow
cherishing white garage doors, back-lit pine
turned into gold-beaded fringe,
the beads dazzling up and down
the needles until the drama
of the light quiets.
Thank you, I don’t know
And for lamplight’s
bright halo beside
my reading chair,
over my bed; and for
my bed, the loft of its
covers. For sleep
when it comes, its loft,
its covering, I want to
praise, dear no one.
And to thank you,
of the blank signature,
for the ongoing book
I bring to bed, in whose world
I so easily remain—its pages
turning pleasantly over
and over like days.
Born with a Stainless Steel Spoon in My Mouth
—on scholarship, Smith College, 1962
A distaff Nathan Zuckerman, and no
George Plimpton:
back sore with the weight
of knowledge, as I bike
from the library in the greening almost summer
to my monastic room, gray
with smoke at 2 a.m.,
phosphorescent polka dots
on my palms, pre-exam
notebook pages galvanic
in highlighter neon yellow,
self-correct red and original blue—
popping like Mondrian’s Broadway
Boogie Woogie in Modern Art
essays punched out
on stiff keys; the holes of the o’s
on the Corrasable Bond
almost burnt: a residue
of eraser crumbs
and paper dust,
a two-pack stench
of Merit butts,
and my eyes twitching as if the anxious
engine of my vigorous ambition
had force-marched me past
the dazzling light of closed-door pools
that pierced protective slatted fences,
and strobed my glasses.
Judy Kronenfeld is the author of Bird Flying through the Banquet (FutureCycle, 2017), Shimmer (WordTech, 2012), Light Lowering in Diminished Sevenths, 2nd edition, (Antrim House, 2012)—winner of the 2007 Litchfield Review Poetry Book Prize, and Shadow of Wings (Bellflower, 1991) as well as two poetry chapbooks, Ghost Nurseries (Finishing Line, 2005), and Disappeared Down Dark Wells and Still Falling (Inevitable Press, 2000). Her poems have appeared widely, in such journals as American Poetry Journal, Calyx, Cider Press Review, Cimarron Review, DMQ Review, Natural Bridge, The Pedestal, and Valparaiso Poetry Review, and in more than twenty anthologies; she is a three-time Pushcart Prize nominee, and co-winner of the of the first annual poetry contest sponsored by the dA Center for the Arts, Pomona California (2002). She also writes creative nonfiction, which has appeared in Under the Sun and Hippocampus, among other places, and the more occasional short story (Literary Mama, Madison Review, North American Review and others). She is Lecturer Emerita, Creative Writing Department, University of California, Riverside, and an Associate Editor of the online poetry journal, Poemeleon.