J Ryan Bermuda
Claire Anna Baker "Fighter Flight" (Drawing)
The small hours of the
night are growing
and you
are Rome un-
excavated blood
vessels behind
my ears sound
like boots in snow
this house is settling
The phases of the
moon are
I don’t
sleep I
won’t sleep
I can’t
you are the word
value or wealthy
or ages
every orange
slice ever bitten into
I mourn each
particle too small
to be seen
Little Lamb
The percussion alone of
Let there be light spread photons
far enough for our door to swell
9 days later my heart began to hum blood travels
much faster with no breaths Mosquito,
you left me mad
with fever and I
heard it all
nothing stays secret
falling asleep you sound like falling
down stairs
9 days and unemployed magicians lined
the streets of Jerusalem 9 days to name
all constellations after great men and
animals an apology
for being burned by the sun
What hung on the mobile
of the little Lamb?
J Ryan Bermuda lives in Redlands, California, where people panic if it rains. His work has been published or is forthcoming in local journals such as The Sand Canyon Review, Tin Cannon, Dead Snakes poetry blogzine, Stone Path Review, The Camel Saloon, East Jasmine Review, Inlandia and the Wilderness House Literary Review. He and his wife Joanna’s adventures as foster parents serve as inspiration for his upcoming manuscript From Hell To Breakfast.