David Dodd Lee

                                     Untitled | Amy Maloof

                                     Untitled | Amy Maloof



The color of heartwood is     benzenes
The branch of astronomy swordfish short form
Parts of protected
Hairs Xerox XEROX XOROX ZORAX include tannins
Friction eating vegetables
As a form of the mineral was at first
Thought to contain a horny layer
A genus of armadillos
In which the tail is almost without
Plates     monetary of a dong
Bleeding occurs at regular monthly intervals
From other parts of the
Coconut      exposure to respect of regional tissue
PHOTOGRAPHIC     a vowel to produce by this method


                                                            an “X” dictionary sonnet



In some districts someone's black
Bottom, electronic, internal workings
The staying in this
A tattler (Milton); tattling     the flag
Smuggling. Smut fungus
A deadly epidemic of Bubonic
Having black eyebrows
A vote against the various     A policeman
Every two years
Used as classification of softness and bad-
Tempered milk     Black Boycott
Not admitting any dark coloured fruitcake
A poacher with cream pieces spawning
Blabbra, blab (bleb)     Pastry eaten at New Year


                                              a “B” dictionary sonnet



That which excites, or its period, esp. in the
Having been made hot, someone easy
A person who is required to change to liquid
(The refrigerator principle)
As much as one wishes OPENLY
To show a person of the opposite
Ground a common low-growing mechanical chafing dish
The male
Who is not a Christian
Or a Jew          (idiom that creates a heathen)
Nerve-ends pass from one mole of
Extinct American bird related to the prairie chicken
A massive helmet of fabric traditionally brewed in
To become       And outlaw         a goat         An uncivilized artist


                                       an “H” dictionary sonnet



David Dodd Lee is the author of nine books of poems, including Animalities in 2014. He is also a collage artist and painter and lives on the St. Joseph River in northern Indiana.