Caiden Feldmiller

Applied Fantastic

               after Paulina Olowska's Chess Player 1

Claire Anna Baker "Belly"

Claire Anna Baker "Belly"

She steals all she is

given: gold curves, gold


scarves, away from her

spatial advantage


of Harrwitz bishops

with a brief message


for the Eastern Bloc.

"In times when there is


hardly anything

in stores to buy, you


can create an out-

fit from hand-me-downs


or your grandparents'

closet." Buttons and


tinsel hang from the

breast of her sweater


like the norigae

of tissue-paper


and cardstock cut-outs

of pomegranates


you taped to the girl

in the library.

Dean Young’s Piñata


The process is

the poet’s strange


contraption. What

but syntax, song,


and pop awaits

between paper-


mâché and his

balloon approx-


imately dol-

phin? Pop! A some-


times stranger’s eyes

above his win-


dow box of dewed



His scuba fins!

A fusillade


of bats provokes

his “fusillade


of bats,” while kids

behind the tree


choke up for e-

ven faster swings.



Caiden Feldmiller is the author of the chapbook Pig, Smoking (Saddle Road Press, 2013). He lives in Pittsburgh, PA.